Volunteering with St. Francis
Inspiring people to appreciate and protect nature — that is part of St. Francis Wildlife's mission, and it's what our volunteers do every day.
We welcome volunteers from the community to work on site and/or transport rescued wildlife to us from Tallahassee veterinary hospitals. All volunteers must be at least 18 years of age, reliable, responsible and have their own transportation.
At St. Francis Wildlife you will always find a cage that needs cleaning, a pile of laundry to be washed and folded, a floor that needs mopping or special animal diets that need to be prepared. Volunteers also help maintain our wildlife sanctuary by repairing or building outdoor cages and clearing trails.
To help staff directly care for wildlife, we require a commitment of at least one four-hour shift per week. You will learn by reading our volunteer manual and working alongside a staff member or experienced volunteer. Our busiest time, baby season, is April through October.
We offer internships for college students who can commit 15 hours per week. Send a cover letter, resume, and references to rehab@stfranciswildlife.org.
Call (850) 627-4151 to sign up for an orientation session, held twice a month for new volunteers.